This map shows the proposed route of the Jefferson Parkway along Indiana St. compared with plutonium contamination outlined on the Krey Hardy Map. for additional information from a paper written by Randy Stafford, member of the Jefferson Parkway Advisory Committee.
June 18th, Broomfield City Council Study Session
When: Tuesday June 18th, 6:00pm
Where: George Di Ciero City and County Building 1 DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020
Email the Broomfield City Council at:
JPPHA is asking Broomfield for $2.5 million to help fund the Jefferson Parkway. Broomfield City Council will hear from speakers including Randy Stafford, members from the Rocky Flats Technical Group, and CDPHE at the meeting on 6/18/19. Please email Broomfield City Council to not provide any more funding to the Jefferson Parkway project.
June 25th, Broomfield City Council
When: Tuesday June 25th, 6:00pm
Where: George Di Ciero City and County Building 1 DesCombes Drive Broomfield, CO 80020
Email the Broomfield City Council at:
JPPHA is asking Broomfield for $2.5 million to help fund the Jefferson Parkway. A vote could occur at a subsequent meeting to the June 18th study session on this issue. Please make public comment to Broomfield City Council to not provide any more funding to the Jefferson Parkway project.